Audio and Video “Drill Broadcast” recordings customized for British Columbia are provided below, with instructions and (soon) earthquake sound effects to play during your Drop, Cover, Hold On drill. Also included will be sound effects with no narration. Using these resources is not required but may make your drill more interesting and educational.



MP3 files are suitable for playing on your computer, and over PA systems.

  • Download now and test before playing at 10:19 a.m. on October 19th.
  • Please do not play the files directly from this website at drill time.
  • For best performance, listen to the recording through external speakers (there is a rumble sound that may not be heard through most internal computer speakers).

AIFF file are for broadcast by radio stations

NEW! Narration and Sound Effects (60 seconds)
Quake Sound Effects (50 seconds - backgrounds sounds for 60 second drill broadcasts)


ShakeOut Drill Broadcast video files with text captioning.

  • Please do not play the files directly from this website at drill time, instead, download the file in advance (below) or view the videos on our Youtube Channel.
  • Television and cable broadcasters: Visit the ShakeOut Media Center for the link for downloading high-resolution versions.
NEW! Narration and Sound Effects (60 seconds)
NEW! Narration Only, No Sound Effects (60 seconds)

Participate in the Great ShakeOut

Over 56.4 Million Participants Worldwide
Participants in BC Last Year:725 Thousand
Map with clickable regions of British Columbia
Who's Participating? Click on a region on the map of BC to see the region specific participation tally.
82 Days Until the 2024 ShakeOut
Current BC Wide Total 94,321
Cariboo 336
Kootenay 1,011
Lower Mainland 66,658
Nechako 39
North Coast 1,194
Northeast 160
Thompson Okanagan 2,277
Vancouver Island / Coast 21,575