iPad with register form
Step 1

Sign up to be counted among the millions worldwide who will “Drop, Cover and Hold On” October 17.

Calendar with data marked
Step 2

Between now and October 17:

  • Consider how an earthquake will affect your area. Know how to protect yourself.
  • Do you live or work near the coast? Consider adding a tsunami evacuation drill to your ShakeOutBC activities.
  • Download audio and video recordings of the ShakeOutBC drill, which provide easy to follow instructions for participants.
  • Display ShakeOutBC posters around your community, school, campus or business to raise awareness about the drill and earthquake preparedness.
Drop! Cover! Hold on!
Step 3

October 17, 10:17 a.m.

“Drop, Cover, Hold On”: Drop to the ground, take cover under a table or desk and hold on as if a real earthquake was occurring. Learn what you should do if you have a disability or physical limitation.

While taking cover, look around and imagine what would happen in a major earthquake. What would fall? What would be damaged? What steps can be taken to make your environment safer?

Consider what to do after the shaking stops.

  • After the Shaking – Car
  • After the Shaking – Home
  • After the Shaking – Work
Practice Makes Prepared Checklist
Why Should You Participate?

What we do now will determine our quality of life after our next big earthquake. Are you prepared to survive and recover quickly?

The Great British Columbia ShakeOut is an annual opportunity to practice how to be safer during big earthquakes: “Drop, Cover, and Hold On.” The ShakeOut has also been organized to encourage you, your community, your school, or your organization to review and update emergency preparedness plans and supplies, and to secure your space in order to prevent damage and injuries.

Over 56.4 Million Participants Worldwide
Participants in BC Last Year:725 Thousand
Map with clickable regions of British Columbia
Who's Participating? Click on a region on the map of BC to see the region specific participation tally.
Join the Drill Don't miss out, register by Dec 31st.
Current BC Wide Total 804,594
Cariboo 22,140
Kootenay 3,136
Lower Mainland 591,948
Nechako 844
North Coast 3,888
Northeast 410
Thompson Okanagan 11,691
Vancouver Island / Coast 118,498